Transforming the landscape of laparoscopic port access and closure.
Improving patient outcomes and efficiency through innovation.

Port Closure System
Efficient. Reproducible. Integrated.
Gordian Surgical’s flagship product, the TroClose™ integrated trocar and wound closure device, revolutionizes port access and ensures consistent wound closure, delivering unparalleled safety and ease of use for laparoscopic surgeons.
The FDA cleared TroClose, has been designed by surgeons for surgeons to improve operating room efficiencies and patient outcomes whilst reducing time, cost and hernia rates.
Optimized workflow
with our 2 in 1 integrated trocar and closure device.
Consistently Achieving Precise Automated port site closure.
Reducing patient pain and narcotic usage 1 week post-op.
Physician Testimonials
Diego Camacho, MD
Montefiore Medical Center
Bronx, NY, USA
"After using the TroClose system in various surgical cases, I can say with confidence it demonstrates reliable capabilities in closing the fascia in a safe and precise manner. It is an easy-to-use trocar, easy to learn and navigate. The TrocClose system will benefit surgical patients and become a great tool in a surgeon's arsenal."